Välkommen till 5VE MORE, din pålitliga källa för premium kosttillskott som stödjer både din hälsa och dina träningsmål. Vi erbjuder ett noggrant utvalt sortiment av effektiva och högkvalitativa kosttillskott, inklusive kreatin, multivitaminer, ZMA, vassleprotein, omega-3, kollagen och beta-alanin. Våra produkter är speciellt framtagna för att hjälpa dig att nå dina hälsomål och optimera din fysiska prestation.
Kosttillskott spelar en viktig roll i att komplettera din kost och säkerställa att du får i dig alla nödvändiga näringsämnen. Oavsett om du är en aktiv idrottare, hälsomedveten individ eller bara vill förbättra ditt allmänna välbefinnande, erbjuder våra kosttillskott det stöd du behöver för att uppnå dina mål.
Vitamins and minerals are not the only important nutrients the body needs. Among these important building blocks are also included essential fatty acids, which play a decisive role in achieving optimal health. These fatty acids are of such importance that our body cannot produce them internally, which means that we must get them from the diet to support the body's functions in the best way.
To ensure a well-rounded nutritional profile, it is important to include sources of essential fatty acids in the diet. One such source is fish, which abundantly contributes these necessary building blocks. Among these essential fatty acids are the well-known omega fatty acids, which have gained a reputation for being healthy and valuable for our body.
Among the various members of the omega fatty acid family, omega-3 is particularly prominent. Omega-3 fatty acids, such as EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), play a significant role in supporting heart function and maintaining well-being. These valuable substances are found in various foods, and especially in fatty fish, salmon, krill and algae. Their health benefits are deeply rooted in research and documented over time.
By including a variety of sources rich in omega-3 fatty acids in the diet, we can actively support our health and promote a balanced lifestyle. These nutrients act as a fundamental building block for our well-being and offer a valuable addition to our overall nutritional intake. So the next time you enjoy a delicious meal of fatty fish or other omega-3 sources, you can be sure you're giving your body the essential tools it needs to thrive and thrive.
Essential fatty acids are necessary for optimal health and cannot be produced internally, making diet crucial. Fish, a source rich in essential fatty acids, provides the body with necessary building blocks. Omega fatty acids, known for their healthy reputation, are part of these essential fats. Omega-3, a prominent member of this group, contains EPA and DHA which support heart function. This healthy nutritional component is abundant in salmon, oily fish, krill and algae, and its benefits are well documented.
What is Omega-3
Omega-3 is an important group of polyunsaturated fats that have a range of health benefits, particularly for the heart, brain and overall well-being of the body. This essential nutrient source plays a critical role in maintaining normal blood pressure levels and balanced blood lipids.
A harmonious balance of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids is not only essential for the body's basic functions, but it also has the ability to reduce inflammation and dilate blood vessels, which can relieve pain and promote health. The challenge lies in today's dietary trends, where many foods have an excess of omega-6 fatty acids in relation to omega-3. As a result, people who do not regularly consume fatty fish often find it difficult to meet their omega-3 needs through diet alone.
To meet this need, supplements such as 5VE MORE Omega-3 have become a practical solution. These supplements provide a convenient and reliable source of omega-3 fatty acids, making it easy to increase intake and ensure a balanced nutritional profile.
The most important components of the omega-3 family are the fatty acids EPA and DHA, which appear mainly in fatty fish. To take advantage of their health-promoting properties, the Swedish Food Agency recommends the consumption of 2-3 portions of fish every week. Since this recommendation is not always met by everyone, omega-3 supplements have become increasingly popular as a practical and effective way to guarantee a sufficient dose of these valuable fatty acids.
By including omega-3 supplements in the diet, people can contribute to their well-being and promote long-term health.
What are omega-3 good for?
Omega-3 is a so-called essential fat, which means that it must be supplied to the body, either through food or dietary supplements. Omega-3 is needed, among other things, for normal heart and vascular function, for brain and eye development, and to maintain normal blood fat levels.
A sufficiently high intake of omega-3 has also been shown to be associated with a reduced risk of many lifestyle diseases common in the Western world. This was discovered when it was seen that the population of Greenland was at a lower risk of cardiovascular disease than in the Western world, which was attributed to their omega-3 rich diet.
Omega-3 is also important for the muscles, as a sufficiently high intake has been shown to be important for protein synthesis to function optimally. In other words, an adequate intake of omega-3 can be positive for muscle building.
For pregnant women, omega-3 is a particularly important nutrient, as the fatty acids are required for fetal development. If you are pregnant and do not eat fish, you should therefore consult your midwife if you should buy a dietary supplement.
How much omega-3 per day?
How much omega-3 is needed per day varies a little depending on which recommendation you follow. The Swedish Food Agency recommends 2.5–3 g of omega-3 per day.
Are there any side effects of omega-3?
In the suggested amounts, there are no proven negative effects of omega-3. Supplements with omega-3 contain the same fat composition found naturally in oily fish, but in a reinforced and more concentrated structure.
Kreatin: Ett välkänt tillskott som förbättrar styrka, uthållighet och muskelmassa. Kreatin är ett av de mest effektiva tillskotten för att förbättra fysisk prestation under högintensiv träning.
VitalMins: Vårt multivitamin VitalMins innehåller 12 viktiga vitaminer och 7 mineraler, doserade för att optimera ditt dagliga näringsintag.
ZMA: Kombinationen av zink, magnesium och vitamin B6 främjar bättre sömnkvalitet, stödjer muskelåterhämtning och hjälper till att öka testosteronnivåerna naturligt.
Vassleprotein: Ett snabbt absorberat protein som hjälper till med muskeluppbyggnad och återhämtning efter träning. Vassleprotein innehåller alla essentiella aminosyror för maximal muskelvård.
PWO (Pre-workout): PWO är ett populärt pre-workout-tillskott som ger ökad energi, fokus och uthållighet inför träning. Perfekt för att maximera din prestation vid högintensiv träning.
Kaseinprotein: Kaseinprotein är ett långsamt absorberande protein som ger en stadig tillförsel av aminosyror. Idealisk för återhämtning och muskeluppbyggnad, särskilt före sänggående.Omega-3: Viktiga fettsyror som stödjer hjärta och hjärna. Våra omega-3-tillskott är rika på de mest potenta EPA- och DHA-fettsyrorna för bästa resultat.
Omega-3: Omega-3 är viktiga fettsyror som stödjer hjärta, hjärna och leder. Våra omega-3-tillskott är rika på de mest potenta EPA- och DHA-fettsyrorna för bästa hälsofördelar.
Kollagen: Stödjer hudens elasticitet, leder och benhälsa. Kollagen minskar med åldern och kan enkelt kompletteras för att bibehålla kroppens vitalitet.
EAA: Essentiella aminosyror (EAA) är viktiga för muskeluppbyggnad och återhämtning. De hjälper till att förhindra muskelnedbrytning och stöder proteinsyntesen under och efter träning.
Beta-alanin: Förbättrar uthållighet och minskar muskeltrötthet under intensiva träningspass, vilket gör att du kan träna hårdare och längre.
På 5VE MORE är vi dedikerade att erbjuda kosttillskott av högsta kvalitet som hjälper dig att nå dina hälsomål. Vi utvecklar ständigt vårt sortiment för att möta dina behov och ge dig de bästa resultaten. Utforska vårt breda utbud och hitta de kosttillskott som passar din livsstil och träningsrutin.