Privacy Policy


The new data protection regulation, also called GDPR, applies from 2018-05-25. GDPR stands for General Data Protection Regulation and is a common law that applies to all EU/EEA countries. Our operations are adapted according to current regulations, both in terms of organization and technology.

In order to maintain our business and provide good service to our customers, we need to collect some personal data. We collect and store personal data in order to fulfill agreements with our customers. In addition, personal data is stored for billing and marketing purposes.

According to the GDPR, you as the owner of personal data have:

Right to information about what is stored about you. You have the right to have incorrect information corrected.
You have the right to be deleted from various registers.
You have the right to restriction of data processing.
You have the right to move your personal data and make objections.
You have the right to complain about data processing and may be entitled to compensation.

You can see more detailed information about the GDPR on the data inspectorate's website:


When you entrust 5VE MORE with your personal data, it is important to us that you feel safe. We protect your personal privacy. Your personal data is treated with the greatest respect and in accordance with current legislation. This policy describes how we collect and process your personal data when you visit our website and use the services offered there.

In connection with placing your order or creating a "My Account", you agree that we save and use your data to complete and provide the service you can expect from us.


Personal data is information and data that can be directly or indirectly attributed to a living natural person. Examples of personal data are name, social security number, address, e-mail address and telephone number. It can also apply to customer numbers, encrypted data and various types of electronic identities such as IP numbers.



  • Webshop solution
  • Business system
  • Payment solutions
  • Freight company
  • Shipping system
  • Mail management system
  • System for evaluation and analysis of service
  • Newsletter provider
  • Chat program

When you become a customer of 5VE MORE, we collect your contact details: name, address, e-mail address, phone number and, where applicable, social security number. We also collect information about delivery method, possible delivery location and IP address. The purchase agreement that we have entered into with you constitutes the legal basis for the processing of your personal data and is necessary for us to be able to fulfill our legal obligations and fulfill this agreement towards you regarding, for example, delivery and payment.

When you contact customer service via, for example, e-mail, telephone or chat, we collect the personal data that you provide to us. We do this to be able to answer the questions you have and to handle your case. It can e.g. be information about name, e-mail address and order number. If your question concerns a complaint, we will process your data in order to fulfill our obligations under current consumer legislation. We do this against the background of the legal basis based on our purchase agreement with you.


We process your data to identify you as a customer, manage and deliver your order and to handle invoicing and payment. We also process your personal data to be able to help you if you contact us with questions, comments or, for example, a complaint.

We use your personal data for e-mails with information about our products and services. You can withdraw your consent to the receipt of newsletters, promotions and offers at any time by contacting customer service or using the unsubscribe link found in each newsletter.

We will never disclose your information to an unauthorized party or sell it on to an external party.


PAYMENT SOLUTIONS Legal basis: To be able to complete the purchase agreement.
In order to be able to take payment, handle invoices and payments, we share data with Klarna. These will collect personal data about you in connection with payment. Klarna is thus responsible for personal data for this data according to the companies' terms and conditions.

TRANSPORT COMPANY/PostNord Legal basis: To be able to complete the purchase agreement.
Our shipping companies take part in the personal data required to be able to complete and deliver your order.

COOKIES/GOOGLE Legal basis: Balance of interests
We share analytics data via third-party cookies for marketing and web analytics to improve our services. We do not register any information about the visitor's IP address, therefore the information about you can never be connected with your identity.

We use the analysis tool Google Analytics to improve the content, navigation and structure of the website. The analysis tool uses JavaScript and cookies and the information about your use is anonymized.

To avoid having your information saved, you can choose not to accept cookies in your browser.

DIRECT MARKETING Legal basis: Consent from customer
In order to be able to send you information about our products and services, we use an external service where we store your email address. You can cancel your subscription at any time, either via the link in the newsletter or by contacting our customer service.

AUTHORITIES Legal basis: Exercise of authority and task of public interest
Upon request, according to law and authority decisions, we may be obliged to disclose certain personal data, for example to the Police in connection with a criminal investigation.

OTHER Legal basis: Balance of interests
We may, where applicable, transfer your personal data to recipients other than those specified above if it is necessary for our operations. A high level of security and confidentiality is observed in all handling of personal data.

We may also share information with potential buyers if we were to sell all or part of the business or in the event of a merger.


We save personal data as long as there is a legal basis, a documented purpose for the processing or an ongoing user relationship. We have ongoing procedures that ensure that we do not store unnecessary personal data and we minimize the storage time as much as possible. We normally save your customer data for a maximum of three years from your last customer contact. However, we save information that is required according to the Accounting Act, for up to eight years.


We have taken appropriate security measures to protect your personal data against loss, misuse and unauthorized access. The number of people who have access to your personal data is limited. Only people with us who need to process your personal data have access to them. The suppliers with whom we share personal data will only process it on our behalf and do so in accordance with our instructions.


You have the right to find out which of your personal data is with 5VE MORE and request to have it deleted. To gain access to that information or delete your data, your application must be in writing, contain your social security number and be signed by you. Send your application to 5VE MORE AB, Vingvägen 8, 226 51 Lund. The data or confirmation of deletion will be sent without undue delay to your civil registration address.

You can always use the unsubscribe link found in all campaigns, offers and newsletters we send you.

If your data is incomplete, incorrect or irrelevant, you have the right to request that it be corrected or deleted. You also have the right to request damages if the processing of your personal data has not complied with the law.

Among the things that cannot be deleted are, among other things, data that is required according to the Accounting Act and data that is required for 5VE MORE to be able to fulfill its obligations in e.g. complaints.

Your rights

We have always been careful with our customers' rights and treated them with great respect. So for us there is no major difference apart from the fact that it is statutory.

You have the right to submit any complaints regarding the processing of personal data to the Swedish Data Protection Authority.
You have the right to register extracts.
You have the right to be forgotten/deleted.
You have the right to data portability.
You have the right to have any of your data corrected.
You have the right to withdraw your consent to the processing of data.

As a customer, you can request an extract, change or deletion of this data at any time.


5VE MORE uses cookies. Cookies contain information that we use to improve the website and to be able to provide our visitors with the best possible service and experience.

There are different types of cookies. Permanent cookies save a file on your computer to be able to adapt the website according to your choices and remember that you have visited us before and can therefore, for example, pre-fill your e-mail and postal code. These cookies are stored on your device for a certain period of time or until you choose to delete them.

Session cookies are used while you visit the website and disappear when you close your browser. They are needed to be able to offer our basic services, which do not work without these cookies.

5VE MORE also uses cookies from third parties, such as Google analytics and Facebook. The data collected by these cookies, including any personal data, is used for interest-based advertising and analysis. Respective third parties are responsible for the collection and processing of personal data from such cookies. 5VE MORE does not have access to the data collected. Read more about what that means for you.

Cookies are saved on your computer or mobile and can only be read by the website they come from. You can choose not to accept cookies in your browser, but then the website will not function optimally. You do this in the settings. You can normally choose to block cookies completely, block third-party cookies or ask the browser to delete all cookies when you close it.

Trustpilot - Store reviews
We also work with Trustpilot, which is an external actor for store and product reviews. Do you want to find out what information Trustpilot collects about you and what they use the information for?
In theirs privacy policy do they explain what data they collect and how they use it. You are welcome to read their privacy policy if you are interested in what data they collect, how they handle it and what they use it for.

Log in to your Trustpilot account and go to My Settings to get an overview of your personal data. Here you can quickly and easily find out what data they have about you and how you edit, download or delete this data.

We have chosen Trustpilot as a partner because they put a lot of resources into protecting your personal data and they take data privacy very seriously. In theirs privacy policy they explain in detail how they work with your data. There you can read more about how they protect your data and ensure that they comply with data privacy laws such as EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

It is important to us that you feel safe. We protect your personal integrity and always strive to treat your personal data with the greatest respect. If you still believe that we are processing your personal data incorrectly, please contact us. You also have the option of submitting a complaint to the Swedish Privacy Protection Authority, which is the authority that supervises the processing of personal data.

5VE MORE reserves the right to make changes to this privacy policy at any time, to the extent that they are necessary to remedy disturbances or meet new legal and technical requirements. Any changes to this privacy policy will be posted on the website.


If you have questions about how we process your information, please contact us at

Responsible for the personal data
All personal data processing takes place in accordance with the data protection regulation. The personal data controller is:

Org. no: 559374-3197
Vingvägen 8
226 51 Lund