VitalMins 60 cps

Vitalmins från 5VE MORE innehåller 100% av det dagliga rekommenderade intaget av 12 viktiga vitaminer och 7 mineraler.
Content per serving/Innehåll per dos |
1 capsule/kapsel |
%DRI |
Vitamin A (retinyl acetate) / (retinylacetat) |
801 µg |
100% |
Vitamin D3 (cholecalcipherol) / (kolekalciferol) |
5.0 µg |
100% |
Vitamin E (D-alpha tocopheryl acetate) / (D-alfa-tokoferylacetat) |
12 mg |
100% |
Vitamin C (l-ascorbic acid) / (l-askorbinsyra) |
80.0 mg |
100% |
Vitamin B1 (thiamine-HCl) / (tiamin-HCl) |
1.1 mg |
100% |
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) / (riboflavin) |
1.4 mg |
100% |
Vitamin B3 (nicotinamide) / (nikotinamid) |
15.9 mg |
100% |
Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) / (patotensyra) |
6 mg |
100% |
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine-HCl) / (pyridoxin-HCl) |
1.4 mg |
100% |
Vitamin B7 (D-biotin) / (D-biotin) |
50.0 µg |
100% |
Vitamin B9 (folic acid) / (folsyra) |
200.1 µg |
100% |
Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) / (cyanokobalamin) |
2.5 µg |
100% |
Iron (iron fumarate) / Järn (järnfumarat) |
14.0 mg |
100% |
Zinc (zinc gluconate) / Zink (zinkglukonat) |
10.0 mg |
100% |
Copper (copper gluconate) / Koppar (kopparglukonat) |
1000 µg |
100% |
Manganese (manganese gluconate) / Mangan (manganglukonat) |
2.0 mg |
100% |
Selenium (sodium selenate) / Selen (natriumselenat) |
55.0 µg |
100% |
Chromium (chromium sulfate) / (Krom (kromsulfat) |
40.0 µg |
100% |
Iodine (potassium iodide) / Jod (kaliumjod) |
150 µg |
100% |
5VE MORE [ five-more ] comes from a training method where a set of repetitions does not end at 8, 10, or 12, but continues 5 more repetitions at a time with smaller and smaller weights, until the practitioner can no longer manage a single additional rep. The method is more about mind-set, to always push a little more, and never settle. The lactic acid that occurs in the muscle makes all the fun!
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Please see Terms & Info for information on deliveries from 5VE MORE.
High-quality Swedish-made dietary supplements. All our food supplements are manufactured in a GMP certified environment ( Good Manufacturing Practice ).
We are also resellers of carefully selected products from well-known brands on the Swedish market.