PWO Watermelon

Njut av en uppfriskande vattenmelonsmak och träna hårdare, längre och smartare så att du kan nå dina träningsmål!
🔸 Beta-alanin: Minskar trötthet
🔸 Kreatin: Ökar styrka
🔸 Koffein: För bättre fokus
🔸 Taurin: Ger uthållighet
🔸 L-tyrosin: Skärper mental klarhet
Näringsvärde: | |
Per doseing 25 ml (14 g) |
Beta alanine | 3 g |
L-Citrulline DL-Malate | 2,5 g |
Creatine monohydrate 200mesh | 2 g |
L-Tyrosine | 1 g |
Taurine | 1 g |
DL-Choline bitartrate | 0.2 g |
Caffeine Anhydrous | 0.2 g |
5VE MORE [ five-more ] comes from a training method where a set of repetitions does not end at 8, 10, or 12, but continues 5 more repetitions at a time with smaller and smaller weights, until the practitioner can no longer manage a single additional rep. The method is more about mind-set, to always push a little more, and never settle. The lactic acid that occurs in the muscle makes all the fun!
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Please see Terms & Info for information on deliveries from 5VE MORE.
High-quality Swedish-made dietary supplements. All our food supplements are manufactured in a GMP certified environment ( Good Manufacturing Practice ).
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